
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
W. Fischer1922Westindische Gephyreen
W. Fischer1921Aspidosiphon pygmaeus n.sp., eine neue Gephyree aus Juan Fernandez _____________________
W. Fischer1921Results of Dr. E. Mjoberg’s Swedish scientific expeditions to Australia. 1910-1913. 27. Gephyreen
W. Fischer1920Gephyreen der antarktischen und sub-antarktischen Meere
W. Fischer1919Gephyreen der Sud-westkuste Australiens
W. Fischer1919Uber die Gattung Lithacrosiphon, eine neue Sipunculiden-Gattung
W. Fischer1916Die Gephyreensausbeute der deutschen Tiefsee Expedition (1898-1899) vorlaufige Mitteilung
J. Fischer1914Die Sipunculoideen der Nord- und Ostsee, unter Berucksichtigung von Formen des nordatlantischen Gebietes
W. Fischer1914Gephyrea. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Meeresfauna Westafrikas
W. Fischer1914Weitere Mitteilungen uber die Gephyreen des Naturhistorischen (Zoologischen) Museums zu Hamburg
W. Fischer1913Uber einige Sipunculiden des Naturhistorischen Museums zu Hamburg
W. Fischer1896In: Semon, Zoologische Forschungsreisen in Australien und Malayischen Archipel
W. Fischer1895Die Gephyreen des Naturhistorischen Museums zu Hamburg
W. Fischer1893Weitere beitrage zur anatomie und histologie der Sipunculus indicus _______
W. Fischer1892Ubersicht der von Herrn Dr. F. Stuhlmann auf Sanzibar und an der gegenuberliegenden Festlands-kuste gesammelten Gephyreen
W. Fischer1925Echuiriden, Sipunculiden, und Priapuliden
W. Fischer1927Sipunculoidea und Echiuroidea
W. Fischer1929Die Sipunculiden, Priapuliden und Echiuriden der Arktis
W. K. Fisher1954The genus Xenosiphon (Sipunculoidea)
W. K. Fisher1954A swimming Sipunculus
W. K. Fisher1952The sipunculid worms of California and Baja California
W. K. Fisher1950The sipunculid genus Phascolosoma
W. K. Fisher1950Two new subgenera and a new species of Siphonosoma (Sipunculoidea)
W. K. Fisher1947New genera and species of Echiuridae and Sipunculid worms
N. Fisher1932Gephyrean new to northern Ireland
W. K. Fisher1928New Sipunculoidea from California
A. C. Fonseca, Cortés J.1998Coral borers of the eastern Pacific: Aspidosiphon (A.) elegans (Sipuncula) and Pomatogegia rugosa (Crustacea)
E. Forbes1841A history of British starfishes and other animals of the class Echinodermata
R. C. Foster1974Comparative biochemical studies of osmoregulation in Sipuncula–I. Steady-state characteristics of two sipunculids in full-strength sea water
P. G. Frank1983A checklist and bibliography of the Sipuncula from Canadian and adjacent waters
A. Franzen, Fange R.1962Observation on haemerythrin-containing coelomocytes in invertebrates
G. G. Gadd1911Verzeichnis der Gephyreen des Kolagolfes und zwei neue Species der Phascolosoma ____________
J. Gage1979Mode of life and behavior of Montacuta phascolionis, a bivalve commensal with the sipunculan Phascolion strombi
J. Gage1968The mode of life of Mysella cuneata, a bivalve "commensal" with Phascolion strombi (Sipunculoidea) __________________
J. S. Gardiner1902The fauna and geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archipelagoes
C. Gay1849Zoologia
B. G. Gepner1965Structure of systematic groups and biological progress
J. H. Gerould1938The eyes and nervous system of Phascolosoma verrillii and other sipunculids
J. H. Gerould1913The sipunculids of the eastern coast of North America
J. H. Gerould1908A comparison of the cephalic organs of certain Sipunculids
J. H. Gerould1907The development of Phascolosoma
J. H. Gerould1904The development of Phascolosoma
J. H. Gerould1903Studies on the embryology of the Sipunculidae I. The embryonal envelope and its homologue
P. E. Gibbs1987A new species of Phascolosoma (Sipuncula) associated with a decaying whale’s skull trawled at 880 m depth in the South-west Pacific
P. E. Gibbs1986The taxonomy of some little-known Sipuncula from the North-East Atlantic region including new records
P. E. Gibbs1985On the genus Phascolion with particular reference to the north- east Atlantic species
P. E. Gibbs1982The synonymy of the Golfingia species assigned to the Abyssorum section (Sipuncula)
P. E. Gibbs1978Macrofauna of the intertidal sand flats on low wooded islands, northern Great Barrier Reef
P. E. Gibbs1978Menestho diaphana (Gastropoda) and Montacuta phascolionis _________________ ______________________ (Lamellibranchia) in association with the sipunculan Phascolion strombi in British waters _______
P. E. Gibbs1977British sipunculans


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith