
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
J. I. Saiz Salinas1986The overlooked species of sipunculans commensal of solitary corals (Sipuncula)
J. I. Saiz Salinas1984El problema del taxon Sipunculus gravieri (Herubel, 1904a) y la descripcion de una nueva especie para el genero Xenosiphon (Sipuncula, Sipunculidae)
J. I. Saiz Salinas1984Los tipos de Sipunculidos de de Quatrefages del Museo de Paris
J. I. Saiz Salinas1984Reconsideracion taxonomica de Phascolosoma abyssorum var. punctatum (Herubel, 1925) (Sipuncula) _________
J. I. Saiz Salinas1984Sipunculus (Phascolosoma) vermiculus de Quatrefages, 1865, and Aedematosomum de Quatrefages, 1865: validated by the application of the law of priority (Sipuncula)
J. I. Saiz Salinas1983Aspidosiphon (Paraspidosiphon) major (Vaillant, l871): a sipunculan not compiled in the literature of the phylum and closely related to Aspidosiphon (Paraspidosiphon) laevis (deQuatrefages, l865).
J. I. Saiz Salinas1982Nuevos datos sobre los sipunculidos de costas espanolas y de mares adyacentes
J. I. Saiz Salinas, Gruss A. R.1980Sipunculidos litorales de costas ibericas. Primera cita de Golfingia (Nephasoma) rimicola Gibbs, 1973, fuera de su _________ _________ ________ localidad-tipo en el sudoeste de Inglaterra
J. I. Saiz Salinas1984Gusanos sipunculidos (Sipuncula) de varias localidades de la costa de Portugal
J. I. Saiz Salinas, Rallo, A., Rodriguez, F., Gutierrez, E.1979Sipuncula y Echiura de la costa Viacaina
J. I. Saiz Salinas, L. Urchegui V.1990The Sipuncula from the Alboran Sea and Ibero-Moroccan Bay
J. I. Saiz Salinas, L. Urchegui V.1988Gusanos sipunculidos (Sipuncula) de las zonas adyacentes al estrecho de Gibraltar
J. I. Saiz Sallinas, Murina V. V.1982Lista de especies de sipunculidos de las costas ibericas y de mares adyacentes
M. Sars1851Beretning om en i Sommeren 1849 foretagen zoologisk Reise i Lofoten og Finmarken
H. Sato1939Studies on the Echiuridea, Sipunculids, and Priapulids of Japan
H. Sato1937Echiuroidea, Sipunculoidea, and Priapulaidea obtained in northeast Honshu, Japan
H. Sato1937Note on a new sipunculid, Physcosoma kurilense n. sp. found in Shumshir Island
H. Sato1937Raporto pri la Echiuroidea, Sipunculoidea, kha Priapuloidea en la Golfo de Onagawa
H. Sato1935Sipunculoidea and Echiuroidea of the West Caroline Islands
H. Sato1934Report on the Sipunculoidea, Echiuroidea, and Priapuloidea collected by the Soyo-Maru Expedition of 1922-1930
H. Sato1934Sipunculoidea and Echiuroidea obtained in Onomichi Bay
H. Sato1930Report on the biological survey of Mutsu Bay. 15. Sipunculoidea
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W. Schleip1934Die regeneration des russels von Phascolion strombi (Mont) (Sipunculidae)
O. Schmidt1865Uber den Bau un die systematische Stellung von Aspidosiphon muelleri Diesing (Lesinia farcimen Schmidt) ________ ________________
A. Schulze, Rice E. M.2009Nephasoma pellucidum: A model species for sipunculan development?
E. Selenka1897Die Sipunculiden-Gattung Phymosoma
E. Selenka1888On the Gephyrea of the Mergui Archipelago collected for the Trustees of the Indian Museum
E. Selenka1885Report on the Gephyrea collected by H.M.S. Challenger during 1873-76
E. Selenka1875Eifurchung und Larvenbildung von Phascolosoma elongatum
E. Selenka, de Man, J. G., Bulow, C.1883Die Sipunculiden, eine systematische Monographie
A. E. Shipley1903Report on the Gephyrea collected by Prof. Herdman at Ceylon in 1902
A. E. Shipley1901The abyssal fauna of the Antarctic region
A. E. Shipley1899On Gephyrean worms from Christmas Island
A. E. Shipley1898Report on the Gephyrean worms collected by Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner at Rotuma and Funafuti
A. E. Shipley1893Notes on the genus Sipunculus
A. E. Shipley1892On a new species of Phymosoma
A. E. Shipley1892On Onchnesoma steenstrupii
A. E. Shipley1891On a new species of Phymosoma, with a synopsis of the genus and some account of its geographical distribution
A. E. Shipley1890On Phymosoma varians
A. E. Shipley1902Sipunculoidea, with an account of a new genus Lithacrosiphon
A. E. Shipley1901Gephyrea and Phoronis
A. E. Shipley1899A report on the Sipunculoidea collected by Dr. Willey at the Loyalty Islands and in New Britain
A. S. Skorikov1909Echiurini, sousfamille des Gephyrea armata
C. P. Sluiter1912Gephyriens (Sipunculides et Echiurides) provenant des campagnes de la Princesse Alice, 1898-1910
C. P. Sluiter1902Die Sipunculiden und Echiuriden der "Siboga" Expedition, nebst Zusammenstellung der Uberdies aus den indischen Archipel bekannten Arten
C. P. Sluiter1900Gephyriens (Sipunculides et Echiurides) provenant des campagnes de l’Hirondelle et de la Princesse Alice, 1886-1897
C. P. Sluiter1898Gephyreen von Sud Africa
C. P. Sluiter1891Die Evertebraten aus der Sammlung des Koniglichen naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Nederlandisch-Indien in Batavia
C. P. Sluiter1886Beitrage zu der kenntnis der Gephyreen aus dem Malayischen Archipel


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith