Sipunculus (Sipunculus) phalloides inclusus Sluiter, 1902
This species differs from the nominate form in the number of LMBs (32-39 vs. 35-41 LMBs), and by the geographical locality (Caribbean and Brazil, vs. Indonesia and southern Japan).
(Cutler and Cutler, 1985; Cutler, 1994)
The only morphological character that sets this species apart from the nominate form is the amount of variation in the number of longitudinal muscles bands (LMBs) within each worm. There is fusion or splitting of LMBs from anterior to posterior. The number of LMBs (32-39) are at or below the low end of the range of the nominate form (35-41).
The largest record is 90 mm in length (Cutler, 1994).
There is a geographical gap between this subspecies and the nominate form. S. phalloides inclusus occurs in Indonesia and southern Japan at 1-370 m (Cutler and Cutler, 1994).